Accounting for Automation

Since COVID-19 froze many common office practices, workers in the U.S. have discovered new ways to complete their projects remotely rather than seated at their usual desks. This new skyrocket in telecommunications has resulted in numerous changes, including a push to make accounts payables paperless.
Today, modern software can automate the most minute of tasks, from in-text searches to filing. Furthermore, dedicated solutions categorize data, providing you with the most up-to-date information, avoiding duplicates, and allowing you to spend more time analyzing, strategizing, and collaborating with your team.
As more accounting firms enter the digital age, dipping their toes into the artificial atmosphere, they find numerous benefits to implementation: time saved, increased productivity, cloud access, real-time integrations, and more.

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The strongest, most tangible benefit of automation is its time saving capabilities. With Elise, every word in every invoice is instantly searchable, like conducting a Google search in your browser.  Automation takes place instantly: data is immediately extracted from documents organized and categorized as soon as it enters the system. As far as the accounts payable team is concerned, Elise will find every needle in a haystack, making time-consuming searches a thing of the past and audits a snap.




Because automation makes time management simple, accountants now have more time to focus on their clientele. Guiding the public toward financial health is beneficial for all and can now be done with more precision and less stress by allowing automation to take care of the rest. Essentially, through automation integration, your team can produce more in the same time or less.




Cloud programs have become the new norm. cloud capabilities provide you access anywhere, anytime, and on any device. What is stored in the cloud can be reviewed, approved and paid from anywhere, anytime. No matter if a team member or manager has a tablet or smartphone, is at home, on the road, or happens to be in a location far from HQ, a company’s entire AP workflow becomes transparent and accessible according to the rules and privileges an organization defines.




Most modern software solutions can integrate with other third  party platforms, making productivity a top priority. Forget switching from one tab or screen to the next, everything you need to achieve your daily goals can now be right at your fingertips, operating seamlessly in the background. Need a little daily excitement? Integrate social media applications, news feeds, GIS mapping, and more on NeoLedge’s Elise dashboard.


Unlock your team’s full potential with Intelligent Accounting Automation.