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» Products » Elise Enterprise Content Management (ECM) » Best-in-Class Security and Compliance

Best-in-Class Security and Compliance

Elise includes built-in security and controls for stress-free data protection and traceability. Set rules by organization hierarchy or nature of the information.

Automated Rights Management

Because the backbone of Elise is your organizational chart, you can automatically establish access rights and better manage the confidentiality of information.

Automated Rights Management and easy Organizational Chart Management


  • Access to information is determined by the hierarchical organization of the company 
  • Automatically apply access rights according to the nature of the information (type of content) and its properties 
  • Apply confidentiality levels to control rights


  • You achieve stronger information security governance and control 
  • You automatically and consistently secure your data according to organizational security policies 
  • You gain peace of mind that your most sensitive data is protected

Traceability and Audit

Elise allows you to implement internal processes and procedures to prove compliance with data protection rules.

Log all user access and operations in Elise ECM


  • Log all user access and operations 
  • View a history of each modification 
  • Validate changes and operations with audit trails


  • You show respect for confidentiality and access rights 
  • You get a guarantee that all actions carried out in the software is traced 
  • You maintain full compliance with the regulations in force, including the GDPR

Secure Infrastructure

Elise is built to power and protect your business and data with a rock-solid infrastructure that is scalable and secure.


  • Trust a solution built on the high-performance technical architecture of Microsoft solutions (SQL Server, Windows Server) 
  • Enjoy reliable availability and data encryption 
  • Scale the solution horizontally and vertically


  • You build a global ECM solution on a proven and efficient technical architecture easily mastered by your IT team 
  • You protect your data and ensure your business processes are highly available 
  • You are able to scale your solution with your company’s growth (see Elise Cloud)


Gestion de tous les contenus d'entreprise avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you capture, process and manage all your company’s content in one solution?

Travail collaboratif pour briser les silos avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you boost collaboration across your company and beyond?

Gestion des processus : BPM, RPA et case management avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you optimize and automate your internal business processes?

Annonce relative au Covid19

How can you benefit from a solution that’s integrated, flexible and mobile?

Capture multicanale des contenus et gestion des flux d'informations avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM

How can you use automation to save time, money and your customer relationships?

Sécurité et conformité aux normes avec Elise by NeoLedge, logiciel GED et ECM
Best-in-Class Security and Compliance

How can you achieve maximum data protection, security and traceability?

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